Pike County to Update its Hazard Mitigation Plan

In an effort coordinated by the Pike County Office of Community Planning, the County and its municipalities began the 5-year regulatory update process of the 2017 Pike County Hazard Mitigation Plan.

The updated plan focuses on existing and future buildings, infrastructure, and critical facilities that might be impacted by natural and human-made disasters.  Ultimately, the mitigation projects identified and implemented will reduce vulnerability and enable communities to become more resilient to disasters.

The plan will include a risk assessment to identify hazards that may impact Pike County and its municipalities, profile the relevant hazards and their potential consequences, identify assets that are subject to losses or damage, and estimate the potential losses that could result from each type of hazard.
Following the risk assessment, the County will develop a hazard mitigation strategy, including the identification of hazard mitigation goals and a prioritized list of actions designed to reduce losses.

As mandated by the Disaster Mitigation Act of 2000, counties and municipalities are required to complete a local Hazard Mitigation Plan in order to qualify for FEMA funding should a natural disaster occur. Examples of grant-eligible projects include home acquisitions or elevations – to either remove houses located in the floodplain to generate open space and increase flood storage or to raise their first floor above the FEMA base flood elevation – and local flood control measures.

This planning process for Pike County is made possible by a grant from FEMA.Public participation is crucial during this hazard mitigation planning process. A series of public meetings, dates to be announced, will be part of the plan development process, both to solicit public comment and to present the draft plan to residents and local officials. Information about the Hazard Mitigation Plan will be posted on the HMP website through the following link: https://www.pikecountypahmp.com/